Tomato under 200559 global trade Data

Tomato product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 0 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Tomato product.

Global Buyers of Tomato

1 Buyers found in 0 Countries

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Global Suppliers of Tomato

1 Suppliers found in 0 Countries

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Import Trade data of Tomato

4 Import Shipments found from 0 importing Countries

HS CodeProduct DescriptionImporterExporterOriginDestinationQtyMore Columns
BEANS GIANT GREEK W/TOMATO SAUCE 24/9.6 WGT & BEANS CHICKPEAS 24/9.88 WGT HS: 2005590000 & 200599809    2080

60 More Columns Available

BEANS GIANT GREEK W/TOMATO SAUCE 24/9.6 WGT & BEANS CHICKPEAS 24/9.88 WGT HS: 2005590000 & 200599809    2080
NET WEIGHT: 13578,2 KGS BE ANS GIANT GREEK W/TOMATO S AUCE 24/9.6 HS:2005590000 PO#129621707 SKU 056    2080
NET WEIGHT: 13578,2 KGS BE ANS GIANT GREEK W/TOMATO S AUCE 24/9.6 HS:2005590000 PO#130187197 SKU 056    2080

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